Wanting to celebrate GANESH CHATURTHI without harming the environment but also withholding your faith and traditions?!✨ One simple and pleasant alternative to Ganesh Chaturthi without compromising your faith and devotion is to switch to Eco-friendly G… https://t.co/DxaMHoXen4 pic.twitter.com/okJvcPdKA1 — myecoganesh (@myecoganesh) July 25, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/myecoganesh
View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CDDumTnANED/
This Ganesh Chaturthi, let's not just celebrate the god, let's show him our love for his new home, the Earth. Bring home "Eco Friendly Ganesha's", https://t.co/rC1vCI1VY8 #ecofriendly #ganesha #ganpati #eco #gogreen #ecoganesha #Recycle #EcoMonday #Green #Environment #zerowaste pic.twitter.com/QQDa4tucJO — myecoganesh (@myecoganesh) June 29, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/myecoganesh
via https://youtu.be/6rEvLd1dGsg
My answer to What should be changed in the Ganpati festival celebration? https://t.co/9cXgarOQfK — myecoganesh (@myecoganesh) April 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/myecoganesh
My answer to How can you go green on Ganesh Chaturthi in 2018? https://t.co/xSd8Wk1OgM — myecoganesh (@myecoganesh) April 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/myecoganesh
My answer to Where can I get a Ganesh idol made of alum (eco-friendly) in Delhi? https://t.co/L07OHHYYHW — myecoganesh (@myecoganesh) April 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/myecoganesh
My answer to Is Eco friendly Ganesha misunderstood from religion point of view? https://t.co/oiT1atzW77 — myecoganesh (@myecoganesh) April 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/myecoganesh
My answer to Why should we buy eco-friendly Ganesha instead of the POP ones? https://t.co/TuK331m1w6 — myecoganesh (@myecoganesh) April 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/myecoganesh